Second Breakfast

Our Story

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
- Gandalf

In the summer of 2020, our family wanted a respite from the uncertainty of the pandemic. We found this cabin in the Leatherwood Mountains, not too far from our home in Raleigh, but at the same time a world away - close to civilization, but secluded, surrounded by green leaves and hiking trails. The quiet and the views proved too much to resist. The cabin became a refuge, a retreat for relaxing the mind and rejuvenating the soul.

But what to name this special place?

“What about Second Breakfast?,” someone suggested.

Tolkien's Middle Earth is filled with fascinating beings: creatures like the hobbits that ate quite a lot for their small size, enjoying seven meals a day (breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper). Our kids grew up reading The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion. We waited in anticipation of the LOTR movies, and they didn’t disappoint.

It became clear that a Tolkien-inspired theme was perfect for the cabin, and so, Second Breakfast Cabin became: a magical name for a magical place.

We hope you enjoy Second Breakfast as much as we do. We hope you find it a haven, a place to create wonderful memories, a chance to reconnect with nature and with family and friends.

Second Breakfast

Made with ♥ and Gatsby

Leatherwood Mountains
Ferguson, NC 28624

(336) 973-4142